When I was young I love sports, taekwondo and volleyball sports was my passion, the same one I had at the time wanted the high jump, for the sport of taekwondo is very beautiful with a high jump with a turning kick and powered. volleyball, as a hitter in the front row with a very significant jump higher, hit the ball or hold the opponent, with full power.
Vertical Jump Training
Vertical Jump Training
Many athletes do not think and practice correctly to jump higher. you have to practice hard and seriously to achieve good performance. But with a few tips you can jump higher easily in a short time.how high you can jump over a few inches like a hawk. First of all you have to do muscle stretching to occur in the muscles flexible, and useful minimize re injury. Most people are average warming is considered unnecessary, it is very dangerous.
stretching is helpful in jump higher, stretching quad, lunge stretches, hamstring stretches.
Many people suspect that you already know the basic exercises that you can do to improve your vertical jump like squats and calf so adding stretching exercises for training you to be more profitable You. One will not work without the other. The best thing to do is combine stretching with exercise you.